South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2015

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2015, the White Alone population in South Carolina was 3,346,961 and represented 68.36% of the total South Carolina population (4,896,006).

Among South Carolina counties, Greenville County had the highest number of people who identified as White Alone (377,180), followed by Charleston County (265,836), and Horry County (255,012). Allendale County had the lowest (2,298).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's White Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2015
South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2015
Items per page:
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County White Alone Population % of County Population
Abbeville 17336 69.86
Aiken 118177 71.27
Allendale 2298 24.36
Anderson 156404 80.7
Bamberg 5397 36.77
Barnwell 11498 52.77
Beaufort 139130 77.26
Berkeley 140366 69.04
Calhoun 8280 56.11
Charleston 265836 68.18
Cherokee 43229 76.47
Chester 19535 60.26
Chesterfield 29583 64.09
Clarendon 16848 49.5
Colleton 21984 58.71
Darlington 38032 56.31
Dillon 14848 47.69
Dorchester 105588 69.04
Edgefield 16355 61.05
Fairfield 9015 39.37
Florence 75325 54.28
Georgetown 40552 65.93
Greenville 377180 76.79
Greenwood 45284 64.7
Hampton 8747 43.8
Horry 255012 82.44
Jasper 14645 53.27
Kershaw 46023 72.28
Lancaster 64453 74.65
Laurens 47618 71.65
Lee 6088 34.18
Lexington 227158 80.59
McCormick 4844 50.09
Marion 12913 40.65
Marlboro 11415 41.37
Newberry 24731 65.45
Oconee 67846 89.38
Orangeburg 30934 34.69
Pickens 108643 89.32
Richland 191461 47.11
Saluda 13988 69.4
Spartanburg 221070 74.5
Sumter 52109 48.54
Union 18309 66.02
Williamsburg 10624 32.67
York 190250 75.86