South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2019

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2019, the White Alone population in South Carolina was 3,534,740 and represented 68.53% of the total South Carolina population (5,157,702).

Among South Carolina counties, Greenville County had the highest number of people who identified as White Alone (400,037), followed by Horry County (293,246), and Charleston County (287,227). Allendale County had the lowest (2,138).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's White Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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See this for other years:
South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2019
South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2019
Items per page:
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County White Alone Population % of County Population
Abbeville 17269 70.25
Aiken 120978 70.62
Allendale 2138 24.78
Anderson 162744 80.4
Bamberg 5310 37.64
Barnwell 11041 52.77
Beaufort 150510 78.13
Berkeley 157856 68.95
Calhoun 8316 57.3
Charleston 287227 69.61
Cherokee 43754 76.32
Chester 19272 59.88
Chesterfield 29052 63.67
Clarendon 16997 50.28
Colleton 22492 59.65
Darlington 37231 55.86
Dillon 14336 47.23
Dorchester 111905 68.44
Edgefield 16986 62.11
Fairfield 8924 39.98
Florence 73593 53.28
Georgetown 42591 67.58
Greenville 400037 76.23
Greenwood 45636 64.31
Hampton 8520 44.11
Horry 293246 82.74
Jasper 16893 55.76
Kershaw 48314 72.38
Lancaster 73812 75.1
Laurens 48449 71.83
Lee 5792 34.36
Lexington 237744 79.4
McCormick 5062 53.5
Marion 12283 40.19
Marlboro 10744 41.08
Newberry 25363 66.04
Oconee 70891 89.23
Orangeburg 29968 34.75
Pickens 112638 88.71
Richland 189052 45.33
Saluda 14237 69.85
Spartanburg 236605 73.88
Sumter 51099 47.92
Union 17743 65.18
Williamsburg 10016 33.1
York 210074 74.63