Missouri Non-Hispanic White alone Population By County in 2017

Updated on February 3, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2017, there were 4,860,916 people that identified as Non-Hispanic White alone in Missouri and they represented 79.54% of the total population of Missouri in 2017. St. Louis County had the highest number of Non-Hispanic White alone population (659,496), followed by Jackson County (435,984), and St. Charles County (344,693). On the other hand, Worth County had the lowest number of Non-Hispanic White alone (1,967), followed by Mercer County (3,466), and Knox County (3,832).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identified as Non-Hispanic White alone, Osage County had the highest percentage (97.6%), followed by Scotland County (97.44%), and Schuyler County (97.01%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic White alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Missouri Non-Hispanic White alone Population By County in 2017
Missouri Non-Hispanic White alone Population By County in 2017
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic White alone Population % of County Population
Adair 22899 89.72
Andrew 16526 94.58
Atchison 5063 96.59
Audrain 22388 87.42
Barry 30638 86.12
Barton 10907 92.45
Bates 15299 93.89
Benton 18136 94.97
Bollinger 11801 96.09
Boone 140855 79
Buchanan 73893 83.35
Butler 37736 88.48
Caldwell 8566 94.59
Callaway 40648 90.33
Camden 42973 94.33
Cape Girardeau 67398 86.04
Carroll 8329 94.77
Carter 5830 94.38
Cass 91028 87.95
Cedar 13357 94.83
Chariton 7083 94.92
Christian 79837 93.34
Clark 6508 96.86
Clay 197101 81.19
Clinton 19285 93.81
Cole 62566 81.57
Cooper 15564 88.22
Crawford 22960 95.23
Dade 7120 93.89
Dallas 15882 94.79
Daviess 7997 95.72
DeKalb 10559 84.06
Dent 14653 94.48
Douglas 12640 95.03
Dunklin 24307 80.63
Franklin 98301 95.12
Gasconade 14130 96.16
Gentry 6354 95.84
Greene 254092 87.67
Grundy 9406 94.15
Harrison 8118 95.29
Henry 20340 93.72
Hickory 8917 94.9
Holt 4229 95.98
Howard 9131 90.7
Howell 37840 94.44
Iron 9618 94.5
Jackson 435984 62.39
Jasper 101221 84.27
Jefferson 211532 94.5
Johnson 46138 85.61
Knox 3832 96.5
Laclede 33164 93.51
Lafayette 30022 92.08
Lawrence 34222 89.42
Lewis 9213 92.53
Lincoln 52236 93.21
Linn 11540 94.91
Livingston 13987 92.26
McDonald 17728 77.77
Macon 14308 93.8
Madison 11606 94.85
Maries 8408 95.64
Marion 25815 90.24
Mercer 3466 94.73
Miller 23933 94.98
Mississippi 9696 71.22
Moniteau 14348 89.52
Monroe 7996 93.04
Montgomery 10715 94.09
Morgan 18994 94.12
New Madrid 14033 80
Newton 50085 86.05
Nodaway 20761 92.56
Oregon 9937 94.03
Osage 13331 97.6
Ozark 8811 95.4
Pemiscot 11498 68.4
Perry 18339 95.18
Pettis 36033 84.83
Phelps 39639 88.87
Pike 16354 88.13
Platte 82139 81.12
Polk 29768 93.68
Pulaski 36078 69.49
Putnam 4590 95.99
Ralls 9770 95.52
Randolph 22079 88.64
Ray 21469 93.77
Reynolds 5869 93.75
Ripley 12948 95.37
St. Charles 344693 87.23
St. Clair 8872 94.43
Ste. Genevieve 17039 95.74
St. Francois 61243 91.82
St. Louis 659496 66.14
Saline 18433 80.35
Schuyler 4378 97.01
Scotland 4831 97.44
Scott 32251 83.53
Shannon 7736 93.91
Shelby 5692 94.99
Stoddard 28032 95.4
Stone 30013 94.75
Sullivan 4801 77.4
Taney 49025 88.85
Texas 23441 91.25
Vernon 19338 94.21
Warren 31575 91.62
Washington 23566 94.26
Wayne 12628 94.88
Webster 36530 94.23
Worth 1967 96.37
Wright 17349 95.24
St. Louis city 135544 43.95