Top Payees for Florida State-Level Political Candidates
in the 2023-2024 Election Cycle
Use the links below to see the top payees of the following Florida state-level political candidates in the 2023-2024 election cycle.
- Owens, Deborah "Debbie" (REP)
- Padar, Donna Marie (NOP)
- Padron, Cristobal David (NOP)
- Parks, Daryl (DEM)
- Parlatore, Vincent (REP)
- Parnofiello, John J. (NOP)
- Partington, Bill (REP)
- Patel-Dookhoo, Jigisa (NOP)
- Pathology-PAC (FSP-PAC)
- Patterson-James, Bonnie (DEM)
- Peacock, Emily A. (NOP)
- Pearlman, Nicole (NOP)
- Perez, Daniel A. (REP)
- Persons-Mulicka, Jenna (REP)
- Peyton, Alicia L. (NOP)
- Phillips, Carol-Lisa (NOP)
- Phillips, Kirk (REP)
- Pierre, Faudlin (DEM)
- Pierre-Antoine, Yvens (DEM)
- Pizzo, Jason (DEM)
- Plakon, Rachel (REP)
- Plasencia, Susan (REP)
- Poli, Andi (DEM)
- Pooler, Shelton A. (DEM)
- Porras, Juan Carlos (REP)