Top Payees for Florida State-Level Political Candidates
in the 2023-2024 Election Cycle
Use the links below to see the top payees of the following Florida state-level political candidates in the 2023-2024 election cycle.
- Shaffer, Laura (NOP)
- Sharief, Barbara (DEM)
- Shaw, Robert L. (DEM)
- Sheridan, Charles "Chuck" (REP)
- Shives, Steve (REP)
- Shoaf, Jason (REP)
- Shoar, David (REP)
- Shooster, Jay (DEM)
- Shull, Darren (NOP)
- Siamas, John (REP)
- Silva, Rolando (DEM)
- Simon, Corey (REP)
- Simon, Lourdes (NOP)
- Simpson, Dennis M. (LPF)
- Simpson, Nancy M. H. (DEM)
- Sims, Henry Mark (REP)
- Siracusa, Pat (NOP)
- Sirois, Tyler (REP)
- Sirolli, Beckie (REP)
- Sites, William "Bill" (NOP)
- Skidmore, Kelly (DEM)
- Slawson, Beatrice (REP)
- Smiley, Elijah (NOP)
- Smith, Carlos Guillermo (DEM)
- Smith, David (REP)