Top Payees for Florida State-Level Political Candidates
in the 2023-2024 Election Cycle
Use the links below to see the top payees of the following Florida state-level political candidates in the 2023-2024 election cycle.
- Porter, J. Frank (NOP)
- Porth, Ari Abraham (NOP)
- Pozzie, Michelle (REP)
- Preddy, Rose Marie (NOP)
- Priestly Jackson, Brenda A. (DEM)
- Primrose, Nick (REP)
- Proia, Christopher (DEM)
- Pryor, Harold Fernandez (DEM)
- Pull, Gregory (REP)
- Pura, William "Willie" (DEM)
- Rafool, Brandon Jon (NOP)
- Ramos, Nicolas (DEM)
- Ramsberger, Thomas (NOP)
- Rayner, Michele K. (DEM)
- Redd, Tracey L. (NOP)
- Redondo, Mike (REP)
- Reich, Derek (DEM)
- Reicherter, Bill (REP)
- Revelles, Maria (DEM)
- Reyes, Marcos (DEM)
- Ribas, Alberto (NOP)
- Rivera, Ivan A. (NPA)
- Rizo, Alex (REP)
- Roach, Spencer (REP)
- Roberson, Eric (NOP)