United States Deaths By State in 2013

Updated on June 26, 2022.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2013, the number of deaths for the United States was 2,608,019. California had the highest number of deaths (247,702), followed by Florida (181,594), and Texas (178,641). On the other hand, Alaska had the lowest number of deaths (4,038), followed by Wyoming (4,613), and District of Columbia (4,813).

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United States Deaths By State in 2013
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United States Deaths By State in 2013
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State Deaths
Alabama 50853
Alaska 4038
Arizona 50612
Arkansas 30972
California 247702
Colorado 33583
Connecticut 29755
Delaware 8086
Florida 181594
Georgia 74852
Hawaii 10339
Idaho 12297
Illinois 104308
Indiana 60700
Iowa 29151
Kansas 25595
Kentucky 44420
Louisiana 43787
Maine 13405
Maryland 45725
Massachusetts 54782
Michigan 92319
Minnesota 41317
Mississippi 30675
Missouri 57556
Montana 9443
Nebraska 16175
Nevada 21251
New Hampshire 10885
New Jersey 72450
New Mexico 16789
New York 152565
North Carolina 84364
North Dakota 6220
Ohio 114505
Oklahoma 38599
Oregon 33416
Pennsylvania 130942
Rhode Island 9631
South Carolina 44670
South Dakota 7279
Tennessee 63481
Texas 178641
Utah 16268
Vermont 5560
Virginia 63446
Washington 51307
West Virginia 22249
Wisconsin 50034
Wyoming 4613
District of Columbia 4813