Minnesota Net Migration Rate By County in 2013

Updated on January 22, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2013, the net migration rate per 1,000 population for Minnesota was 1.86. Carver County had the highest net migration rate per 1,000 population (11.7), followed by Clearwater County (11.22), and Hubbard County (10.6). On the other hand, Renville County had the lowest net migration rate per 1,000 population (-13.77), followed by Lac qui Parle County (-13.45), and Todd County (-11.97).

Net migration rate for a county refers to the difference between the number of migrants, both domestic and international, moving to the county and those leaving the county per 1,000 of the county's mid-year population. A positive rate is known as a net immigration rate, and a negative rate is known as a net emigration rate.

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Minnesota Net Migration Rate By County in 2013
Minnesota Net Migration Rate By County in 2013
Items per page:
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County Net Migration Rate
Aitkin -3.76
Anoka 2.53
Becker 3.14
Beltrami 1.15
Benton 2.14
Big Stone -9.02
Blue Earth -7.57
Brown -3.16
Carlton 1.02
Carver 11.7
Cass 2.71
Chippewa -3.47
Chisago 0.82
Clay 1.04
Clearwater 11.22
Cook 3.28
Cottonwood -3.2
Crow Wing 2.56
Dakota 1.26
Dodge -1.43
Douglas 1.85
Faribault -1.77
Fillmore -4.38
Freeborn -5.1
Goodhue 0
Grant 6.74
Hennepin 4.88
Houston -1.23
Hubbard 10.6
Isanti -6.51
Itasca 6.26
Jackson -6.41
Kanabec 0.88
Kandiyohi -2.71
Kittson 5.11
Koochiching -1.9
Lac qui Parle -13.45
Lake -3.72
Lake of the Woods -7.13
Le Sueur -0.51
Lincoln -1.74
Lyon -2.34
McLeod -4.43
Mahnomen -11.48
Marshall -6.67
Martin -1.86
Meeker 1.13
Mille Lacs -0.94
Morrison -7.55
Mower -3.58
Murray -6.44
Nicollet -5.15
Nobles -4.32
Norman 2.27
Olmsted 5.36
Otter Tail 5.2
Pennington -1.27
Pine -4.32
Pipestone -10.59
Polk 1.74
Pope -1.19
Ramsey 4.7
Red Lake -9.15
Redwood -6.54
Renville -13.77
Rice -0.06
Rock -4.97
Roseau -5.61
St. Louis 0.71
Scott 5.78
Sherburne -0.76
Sibley -3.12
Stearns -1.96
Steele -3.36
Stevens -0.72
Swift -8.23
Todd -11.97
Traverse 5.29
Wabasha -0.65
Wadena 5.29
Waseca -9.37
Washington 3.51
Watonwan -6.86
Wilkin -10.54
Winona -2.32
Wright -1.19
Yellow Medicine -6.81