Maryland Non-Hispanic Asian alone Population By County in 2023

Updated on August 2, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2023, there were 427,218 people that identified as Non-Hispanic Asian alone in Maryland and they represented 6.91% of the total population of Maryland in 2023. Montgomery County had the highest number of Non-Hispanic Asian alone population (167,044), followed by Howard County (68,257), and Baltimore County (54,395). On the other hand, Garrett County had the lowest number of Non-Hispanic Asian alone (148), followed by Somerset County (233), and Kent County (272).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identified as Non-Hispanic Asian alone, Howard County had the highest percentage (20.32%), followed by Montgomery County (15.78%), and Frederick County (6.57%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic Asian alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Maryland Non-Hispanic Asian alone Population By County in 2023
Maryland Non-Hispanic Asian alone Population By County in 2023
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic Asian alone Population % of County Population
Allegany 794 1.18
Anne Arundel 27213 4.58
Baltimore 54395 6.44
Calvert 1919 2.03
Caroline 368 1.1
Carroll 4709 2.67
Cecil 1589 1.5
Charles 5867 3.41
Dorchester 357 1.09
Frederick 19271 6.57
Garrett 148 0.52
Harford 8606 3.25
Howard 68257 20.32
Kent 272 1.41
Montgomery 167044 15.78
Prince George's 38544 4.07
Queen Anne's 688 1.31
St. Mary's 3399 2.95
Somerset 233 0.94
Talbot 541 1.43
Washington 3268 2.1
Wicomico 3313 3.16
Worcester 887 1.64
Baltimore city 15536 2.75