United States Black or African American Alone Voting-age Population By State in Census 2020

Updated on August 25, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, among all the US voting-age population (18 years and over), there were 30,942,735 people who identified as Black or African American Alone, which was 11.98% of the total US voting-age population. This number is the population from the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Texas had the highest number of Black or African American Alone voting-age population (2,627,714), followed by Georgia (2,488,419), and then Florida (2,419,026). On the other hand, the 3 states that had low number of Black or African American Alone voting-age population include: Wyoming (3,895), Montana (4,039), and Vermont (6,392).

Hover over or click on the states to see the number and the percentage of the voting-age population that identified as Black or African American Alone for each state. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

You can see similar information for other racial groups as well as for the different ethnicities in the US.

You can also see links at the bottom of this page for similar information by county for each state.

Related Topics: US Census 2020 Topic List.
US Black or African American Alone Voting-age Population By State in Census 2020
< 50K
50K - 100K
100K - 500K
500K - 1M
1M - 2M
Over 2M
US Black or African American Alone Voting-age Population By State in Census 2020
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Black Alone Voting-age Population % of State Voting-age Population
Alabama 981723 25.06
Alaska 17297 3.12
Arizona 247633 4.47
Arkansas 333515 14.42
California 1757768 5.70
Colorado 175400 3.89
Connecticut 294102 10.25
Delaware 164887 21.04
Florida 2419026 13.95
Georgia 2488419 30.27
Hawaii 19085 1.65
Idaho 10454 0.76
Illinois 1373943 13.74
Indiana 467861 9.01
Iowa 88101 3.60
Kansas 125260 5.62
Kentucky 268710 7.71
Louisiana 1073754 30.07
Maine 16949 1.53
Maryland 1404055 29.16
Massachusetts 374739 6.62
Michigan 1031144 13.03
Minnesota 260434 5.93
Mississippi 802963 35.26
Missouri 518166 10.85
Montana 4039 0.48
Nebraska 67094 4.55
Nevada 226025 9.37
New Hampshire 14841 1.32
New Jersey 936123 12.86
New Mexico 34444 2.10
New York 2326865 14.46
North Carolina 1639043 20.10
North Dakota 17982 3.02
Ohio 1085613 11.79
Oklahoma 216160 7.18
Oregon 62346 1.85
Pennsylvania 1070165 10.34
Rhode Island 46356 5.22
South Carolina 971344 24.20
South Dakota 11645 1.74
Tennessee 817496 15.18
Texas 2627714 12.02
Utah 26919 1.16
Vermont 6392 1.22
Virginia 1242045 18.41
Washington 230367 3.82
West Virginia 52688 3.68
Wisconsin 263609 5.72
Wyoming 3895 0.88
District of Columbia 226137 39.32